
This is my formal spoiler warning for anyone reading this blog  <3 Hello and welcome to my blog discussing the function of religion in A Song of Ice & Fire by George R. R. Martin.  This website has been designed as a term project for RELS 2812 with Dr. Jennifer Porter, a course on religion in popular culture at the Memorial University of Newfoundland. (click Read More to see full post) For my research, I will examine the use of religion in George R. R. Martin’s series of novels A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF) and its television adaption Game of Thrones by HBO. Both the novels and television show have developed a massive, comprehensive universe that includes numerous well-realized religions and faiths. A number of these faiths are significant to the main plot of the novels and show, while others exist to accent certain characters’ cultural contexts and behaviours. Specifically, there are Christian values and characteristics exemplified through several main character